A dark content larp for 25 players about losing your humanity in the apocalypse
This is a nontransparent larp for 25 players designed in the content larp style with a focus on interpersonal relationships and their effects on individual character emotions and motivations. Characters and their major relationships are pre-written; while additional relationships may come out or be developed in the course of the game, this is not designed to be a sandbox game or one requiring preplay. Secrets are a key element of the game and should be played upon in-game to lead to internal and external conflict, great revelations, intimidation, etc., so we ask players to minimize pre-game chatter about their characters.
There will be two runs of this game planned for the end of 2026.
The ticket price will include meals and accommodation.
We're still working on hammering out the final details for our location but it will be in the EU. Please note that until we have confirmed this, all location pictures are placeholders for now, intended to give an impression of the larp and experience rather than actual images of the location.
All of the characters are fleeing their homes with varying levels of panic, fear, and urgency. None of them anticipated locking themselves into a bunker when they woke up that day and none, save the Wagners (the preppers who set up the bunker), is prepared to be there for any real length of time. Dress comfortably in a way that reflects your character on the first day. For the later Acts, you can wear the same costume or, better yet, change into something that shows the wear of the years (or progressively distress your costume between acts): clothes with rips and holes, threadbare necklines and missing sleeves, dirty and stained, creatively patched and held together.
You can imagine that the Wagners have a stash of extra clothes, certainly for themselves, and maybe a little bit for others, but they might not be the right size or style. Sweaters three sizes too big, a complete mismatch of styles, colors, and sizes, or a city character unironically wearing a camouflage hunting jacket are all great for the look and feel.
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